By building learning capabilities we are paving the way to brighter future.
Children love participating in various competitions, quizzes, as well as reading/writing
workshops and Fun with Science. Our readers say that Nachiket introduces to them the whole
wide world outside their village. Children’s superb artwork shows their creative and
imaginative power.
"Now our readers are teachers, engineers, pharmacists, policemen, and even woman- sarpanch."
- Chief of village administration
Seema, who is now completing Engineering Degree in Nagpur, says —
“I consider myself lucky. Every child in every village, town, and city ought to have access to a
library like this.”
An empowered Nachiket reader
Priti, now studying for B. Pharm., appreciates the alternative
independent learning environment provided by Nachiket in her own village
that is still not available to many children from nearby villages.
Yogesh is thankful that he got to explore a way beyond just the textbook
world of his school.
Children are extensively using libraries for their school projects on
subjects such as the effect of pollutants on the local farms, and space
travel based on a book at Nachiket that gives detailed accounts of real
travels to the moon with actual photos.
Nachiket readers examining a globe